stanley, beatrice and friends 2003
stanley, beatrice and friends 2003

installation view, Greenaway Art Gallery

Little big things (team Agnes) 2003
Little big things (team Agnes) 2003

acrylic lacquer on plaster, 20 units

Little big things (team Agnes) 2003
Little big things (team Agnes) 2003

acrylic lacquer on plaster, 20 units

sweet repeat (01) 2003
sweet repeat (01) 2003

acrylic lacquer on mdf, 50cm x 50cm

sweet repeat (02) 2003
sweet repeat (02) 2003

acrylic lacquer on mdf, 50cm x 50cm

herbert (01) 2003
herbert (01) 2003

lasercut mdf, kitchen laminate, 104cm x 78cm

little big things 2003
little big things 2003

plaster, acrylic lacquer

little big things 2003
little big things 2003

plaster, acrylic lacquer

strawberry ut's, 2003

27min dvd loop

stanley, beatrice and friends 2003
Little big things (team Agnes) 2003
Little big things (team Agnes) 2003
sweet repeat (01) 2003
sweet repeat (02) 2003
herbert (01) 2003
little big things 2003
little big things 2003
strawberry ut's, 2003
stanley, beatrice and friends 2003

installation view, Greenaway Art Gallery

Little big things (team Agnes) 2003

acrylic lacquer on plaster, 20 units

Little big things (team Agnes) 2003

acrylic lacquer on plaster, 20 units

sweet repeat (01) 2003

acrylic lacquer on mdf, 50cm x 50cm

sweet repeat (02) 2003

acrylic lacquer on mdf, 50cm x 50cm

herbert (01) 2003

lasercut mdf, kitchen laminate, 104cm x 78cm

little big things 2003

plaster, acrylic lacquer

little big things 2003

plaster, acrylic lacquer

strawberry ut's, 2003

27min dvd loop

show thumbnails